1 November 2016

10 answers from a content marketing expert: Interview with Danny Sullivan

Everyone who works in the sphere of content marketing is for sure aware of the most reputable and successful influencers that act within the sphere. Today, we want to present you a bunch of useful information from Danny Sullivan - the leader of our list of content marketing influencers.

Danny is one of the top content marketing experts that is successfully holding positions of Chief Content Officer for Third Door Media and a Founding Editor at Search Engine Land and Marketing Land. Therefore, the majority of questions will cover content marketing and how it is done in these top online periodicals.

I was lucky enough to ask him a few quick questions of a great interest. Therefore, don’t wait this post to be as long and boring as the new Kristen Stewart's’ movie - it is just a bunch of clear and concise information that you can absorb in less than 5 minutes.

So let's’ go to the interview:

Do you conduct the analysis of your audience? Where does the majority of your readers come from?

We do surveys annually of our readers. We have a general split between those who do search marketing for agencies as well as those who do it in-house for their own companies.

There is no need to say that you are a great blogger, and each of your posts receive lots of likes and shares. Can you tell us your basic guidelines while working on the new post?

I don’t have any specific guidelines on writing posts. I generally either write news or opinion pieces. With news, I try to cover everything as well as I can with actionable advice. With opinion, I try to fully explain various sides in a debate and why I might lean toward a particular opinion.

What do you consider to be the secret of establishing a long and stable relationship with the readers?

For a good relationship with readers, it really depends on the publication and what those readers want. For us, I think it’s providing excellent, authoritative content they can depend on.

Your posts are always relevant and cover a wide range of topics. Where do you find ideas for new posts?

My post ideas come out of what’s happening currently in the space.

Do you have any secrets to successful keyword research? What are they?

I don’t have any particular secrets to offer here. There are a variety of tools, with those from Google continuing to be favorites for me.

How did you promote Marketing Land & Search Engine Land in the beginning? How  has your marketing strategy changed since then?

We promoted our sites through social and indirectly through SEO and have continued to do that since. Nothing has really changes in general; players like Facebook have become more important over time, as have particular tactics.

What services/companies/startups inspire you the most during the year? Maybe, there were some that provoked a feeling of disappointment?

Right now, the excellent resource that Wirecutter has become inspires me.

What are the top 7 mobile apps you personally use everyday or almost everyday?

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Gmail, Clash of Clans & Clash Royale. As well as Chrome and my Camera app.

Are there any other bloggers that you personally read? Who are they?

I read so much content through my feed that I don’t have particular bloggers that come to mind.

What do you consider to be the most serious challenges for the blogger or SEO specialist? What challenges have marked you in the beginning of your career and what are the ones you are currently facing?

I think the most serious challenge is being focused and providing excellent content.

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