How to Prepare an App Description for Google Play? Quick Guide

To choose an app in GooglePlay, users most often pay attention to the description, rating and reviews. Therefore, texts for descriptions are one of the first and important steps in interacting with an app both from the user's and developer's side.

For a potential user, the description is a source of information about the product. After reading the text, the buyer decides whether he is interested in the application or not.

For the developer, the content of descriptions is the first point in planning marketing materials.

Creating App Description

We have prepared a guide to help you easily create app descriptions and fill in metadata in Google Play, along with an example that you can use as a template.

To work with the form, you need to first copy it to a new document.

Preparatory Stage – Creating a Semantic Core

First and foremost, you need to compile a semantic core: the first two columns of the table should contain the keywords and phrases that should be present in the descriptions.
Gather keywords that bring traffic. You can use:

  • Google Suggest;
  • conversion data if you are running Google Ads campaigns;
  • statistics from the App Store SAP.

Add each word/phrase on a separate line. As they are used in other windows: title, short description, full description, words, and phrases will change color and become highlighted in green.

Important: use the words in the descriptions exactly as they appear in the table – do not slant or change them, except for the case.


The title is the name of the application. When creating a title description, remember:

  • The words in this field have maximum weight for search, so the title should contain keywords and phrases from the list
  • It should be clear from the title what the application is intended for – this will improve its search rankings.

The title has a limit of 50 characters (including spaces). You can see how many characters you have left on the right side of the window as you fill in the field.

Short description

Short description – an announcement that should capture the user's attention. The short description is located on the first page of the application, and the information provided here determines the user's further interest in the product:

  • Highlight important points for the target audience;
  • Use keywords and phrases organically in the description.

The short description should contain a maximum of 80 characters. The number of available characters for this field is displayed to the right of the window.

Full description

In the full description, describe your application using keywords and phrases. In Google Play, the maximum length of the description is 4000 characters, but it is optimal to use 1000-2500 characters.

Capture attention with the first sentences, creating a desire to read further.

  1. Focus on the main function of the application and describe the tasks it solves.
  2. Then highlight the cool features, and describe the functions, important details, and useful capabilities of the application.
  3. Mention what's new in the product, showing that it is evolving and improving.
  4. Include a call to action, such as "download", "buy", or "read."

To improve text perception, follow these rules:

  • Make your text visually appealing by using short paragraphs and lists.
  • Use short yet meaningful sentences. Users don't need watered-down language or unnecessary embellishments.
  • Utilize simple and easily understood words that won't intimidate potential customers with specialized terms.
  • Pay attention to grammar. The more errors, the less trust in your application.
  • Avoid repeating the same ideas multiple times as it can be irritating.
  • Don't overuse keywords. Incorporate them organically into the text.

App Localization

An effective way to promote a mobile application is to expand into foreign markets. In this case, there is a need to translate the application and metadata into foreign languages, which is called App Store Optimization (ASO) localization.

The absence of description in the native language can deter users from downloading the application, as they may not understand its purpose, even if the application itself has been translated.
Use templates for creating descriptions during product localization if you are developing an application in multiple languages.
Use the source language (in our example, English) as a reference and inspiration for creating descriptions in the translated language, but DO NOT rely on automated translation tools!

For maximum useful information on the intricacies of mobile app promotion, check out Radomir Novkovich's Telegram channel RadASO.

Radomir Novkovich is the developer of a unique analytical tool for app ranking in top stories, and the founder of the mobile marketing agency RadASO. RadASO is the first company that takes on the risks associated with app store optimization (ASO) and offers a "Pay-for-Performance" ASO service.

Localization opens up great opportunities for growth, which should be taken advantage of to establish your presence in foreign markets.


Your app description on Google Play is the first item of information that users receive, and it's aimed at getting them interested. To simplify the process of creating the text part, you can use our template and follow the steps below:

  • Build your semantic core.
  • Come up with a title using keywords and phrases.
  • Create a short and full app description, also incorporating keywords and phrases.
  • For broader audience reach, work on app localization using our template.

A compelling description is one of the key factors for a successful start of your app.

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