26 June 2017

Marketers' Best Choices in Advanced On-Page SEO for Digital Marketing Success

Google has gone through a significant evolution over the last decade or so. Search algorithms have received several updates, and with those updates came an onslaught of new marketing strategies and tactics. The old SEO "best practices" are now obsolete. Digital marketing professionals have forgotten all about the broad-spectrum manipulative techniques which once enabled the on-page SEO. There is no room for the black hat or spammy methods anymore. Marketers have to come up with brilliant and out of the box ideas that comply with Google's rules to make their campaigns successful.

It is not just another article filled with basic tips and tricks. We are going to explore a much broader aspect. Let us look into the issues that the new age digital marketers face, and the ideal solutions that will not only help them combat those problems, but will also improve the overall search engine rankings with the use of on-page elements which are less talked about, but are still significant.

The right insight

To gain insight into our line of thinking, try to envision your business website same as a brick and mortar store. In such a scenario, you can compare off-page SEO to the PR efforts and reputation management. On the other hand, on-page is more related to how you manage the store content such as the shelves, sales counter, cash register, merchandising and so on. Every element is crucial when it comes to the acceptance and success of the store.

Business owners who think of SEO primarily prefer to get off-page work quotes only, mostly content-based elements without focusing on any on-page changes. More often than not, they have the misapprehension that the work that was done years ago will still be relevant in today's competitive SEO landscape.

If you run a quick analysis to identify the flaws, you can find many inconsistencies, incompatibility, and improper coding practices and irrelevant insertion, which ultimately contribute to ranking damages. Implementation of advanced on-page SEO strategies can strengthen a website and can have an immediate effect on ranking, unlike the off-page initiatives, which take a long time to reap the fruits.

Advanced On-page SEO

The upcoming list of on-page SEO strategies is set in a random order and not according to importance. The strategies may work differently based on the requirements and preferences of various providers.

Internal link structure not telling the story

A lot of marketers wonder why the sub-pages like "Contact Us" and "About Us" have strong DA and PR scores

In many typical cases, these pages do not even have external links, and the reason for having these internal links is that these sub-pages used to appear in many cross-website menus. By linking these pages at a larger frequency, a developer typically declares these pages as important. The first thing an expert digital marketing agency may work on is taking the optimization advantage out of it.

Crawling robots are automated entities, which do not have any priorities or preferences of their own. Their fundamental mission is to calculate and take a decision. When a site is crawled, navigation from one page to another one is typically done by entering these internal links. Information is gathered until their crawling is finished or until it gets ‘time out' notification. In many cases, websites are looking at squandered opportunities.

Restructuring the internal links to enhance the structure is the ideal approach to optimize on-page elements. Each time you do it, you can see the positive impact in terms of ranking improvement on the search engines over the next crawl. This approach is known as ‘anchors tell stories' among the online marketing fraternity. If you take all anchors on a particular site and write them out consecutively, you can get an overview of the website's theme.


Despite having an appropriate linking structure, search engines may assign only less relevant phrases to the most important pages on the site. The primary symptom of this issue is to have the site's homepage getting attributed to most of the common phrases one wants to rank high, but only a very few make it to the top of the SERPs.


If you maintain a blog, then start by linking about 20 to 30 posts to your important and relevant landing pages. Keep on posting about 15 to 20 new posts every month based on the core subjects you deal with on the landing pages and again link from the new posts to the older ones.

Root folder confusions

It is another, usually overlooked element on most of the websites. Considered as the dark attic by the marketers, root folders often get ignored. Most marketers of do not even think about it on a regular basis. However, while considering it, you should keep in mind that Google crawls each site only for few seconds, and maximizing this crawl time can also play vital.


Site owners, makers, and optimizers simply discard files into the root folder and the subfolders. As long as it does not surface, they do not realize it as a problem, but each file is influential. The primary problem occurs when the relevant info in these junk files get diluted into:

  • Various file versions
  • Unused files
  • Backup directory
  • Temporary files


Clean the attic! You can open an old file directly and move all the unused files into it. Also, sort all subdirectories and media files and update the code where they have been used. Run a broken link check by using software like Xenu link sleuth after changing it to spot which all links need to be changed.

There are some sure-shot on page SEO enhancement techniques for those who feel exhausted on all avenues of search engine optimization efforts. We will discuss many other On-page, and off-page advanced SEO approaches in the forthcoming articles. If you want to learn more about how to make your digital marketing efforts bring the desirable results, keep a tab on the latest trends and changes that are taking over the industry.

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