7 July 2013

Rand Fishkin’s video presentation for the 8P-2013 conference: How SEO Blinded me (Then Opened My Eyes)

Especially for the 8P conference Rand Fishkin prepared a very interesting video report about how SEO blinded him, and then helped to see the light.

Rand told about how he became obsessed with SEO few years ago and could not see that SEO is just a part of something much bigger. And now, almost after 10 years since founding of the SEOmoz company, Rand tells us how he realized that SEO is just one of the tools, a tactic that need to be used in the marketing strategies on the way to victory.

Excellent examples of how important it is to engage in the brand creation. And great tips to know how to do it. Rand, thank you for the shared experience.

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