SEO Case Studies
7 August 2014

Photo and video accessories online store SEO case study: ROMI 191%

Service: SEO.
Subject: photo and video accessories.

Result: transactions increased by 1175%, ROMI increased by 871%.

The Client

The work on website began in May 2013. The active work with external factors began only in September 2013, because the implementation of SEO-audit was severely delayed. One part of the audit was implemented by client’s programmer, but the other one had to be implemented by our in-house programmers, who have already got huge experience in optimizing websites for search engines.

The Challenge

To increase traffic and sales.

The Solution

1. Targeted queries for the site were collected. The first list of keywords included more than 250 phrases for major product categories and was used for writing the audit.

2. SEO-audit was prepared. During the audit studied the technical, content and usability optimization problems. “Breadcrumbs” in mikroformats were marked. For better understanding the structure of the site and some of its components search engines uses mikroformats. Apart from the convenience for the search engines — you can get a bonus in the form of breadcrumbs in a snippet:

3. The generation of meta-tags for blog pages was set. Since online store blog does not contain basic landing pages for promotion — optimization was performed after the major works over the pages of products and product categories.

4. Extension of the current keywords list. Over time, there appeared the better opportunity to delve into the subject and to collect more impressive keywords list.

5. For a number of sections of the site manually meta tags (not a pattern) were written in accordance with the target queries in search engines. Handmade often takes a lot of time. Together with the extension of the keywords list the meta tags improvements were made for pages that could potentially good attract search engine traffic.

6. Manual linkbuilding. Methods of “guerrilla” marketing were actively used on forums, blogs, questions and answers services. Our experts were looking for those who are interested in public goods for our client, helped to find the promoted website.

The Results

According to Google Analytics for the last month we got 51 transactions with income of $5,200. Here we calculate only the income from search traffic. By the customer — the average margin is 25%, and the number of phone orders — 70%. ROMI increased by 871%.

(5 out of 5 based on 2 marks)
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