How Facebook and Google Ads Increased Registration Conversion by 98% For an Educational Center

Service: PPC.

Niche: Online training.

Results: While spending grew by 12.8%, we managed to increase the conversion rate by 38.2%.

The Client

Before the start of the school season at the end of August 2018, a prominent Ukrainian educational online platform for kids and school students approached us.

The Challenge

The client aimed for a 45% increase in website registrations compared to August 2017, with a budget growth of no more than 20%.

The Solution

  1. As the customer's site offers online classes for children aged 3 to 8 years, we divided the children into groups according to curriculum complexity:
  • toddlers (3-4 years old);
  • preschoolers (4-6 years);
  • first grade (6-7 years old);
  • second grade (7-8 years).
  1. We offered the client advertising on Facebook, supported by search advertising and remarketing in Google Ads. Facebook allowed us to target parents with children of different ages.
  2. Our team prepared terms of reference for a designer to draw banners for each group of children.
  3. We prepared Facebook and Google Ads campaigns. In each group of ads, we used a different number of audiences, ranging from 1 to 5. On Facebook, we targeted audiences of not only parents with children of a certain age but also related ones. For example, an elementary school kid might ask his parents to buy a subscription to play-based learning.

Important note: Our service solved the pain point of the target audience — the kids do not like daily classes. Therefore, throughout the entire advertising campaign, we used the motto "learning is a game".

The Results

In the peak season, thanks to a careful selection of audiences and unambiguous offers on banners, we were able to:

  • increase conversion rate (CR) by 38.21% while increasing spending by 12.81%;
  • increase the number of registrations by 98.33%;
  • reduce CPA by 43.12%.

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