SEO Case Studies
18 March 2022

Dressa's Success Story: ROMI of 1070% in Two Years

Service: SEO – website promotion.

Niche: Clothing, footwear, accessories, and jewelry.

Results: ROMI of 1070%, achieved the payback period of 6 months.

The Client

Dressa is an online women's clothing store which typically sells casual wear, dresses, and plus-sized clothing.

Dressa reached out to Netpeak during the website development stage — the client wanted to consider all the details of the promotion even before the website launch. Therefore, we provided Dressa with the service of SEO at the website development stage.

In the clothing niche, the main competitors tend to be large marketplaces and brand stores with good but transient reputations.

Do you have clients in this niche? Find out our digital solutions to help your business take off.

The Challenge

We had the following goals:

  1. Increase the sales of products such as dresses, blouses, pants, sweaters, and cardigans in the first year and increase sales of plus-sized clothing in the second year.
  2. Reduce the average customer acquisition cost through the organic channel to 50 UAH.
  3. Achieve an ROI within 16 months after starting the project.

The Solution

  1. We developed a website structure that included sections, product categories, and sets of filtering blocks for each category.
  2. URL templates were created for all types of pages. 
  3. We then provided recommendations for the optimization of breadcrumbs and pagination pages.
  4. We also put forward technical requirements for HTML and XML sitemaps.
  5. Next, we supplied a set of recommendations regarding search engine requirements.
  6. Additionally, we provided a set of website content recommendations.
  7. We configured uptime monitoring and notifications for accessibility issues.
  8. After the website launch, we conducted the SEO audit again.
  9. We provided technical requirements to optimize the internal linking and filtering units on the website.
  10. Finally, we initiated external link building.

The Results

  1. The client obtained a ROMI of 1070%.

  1. The payback period was only six months (instead of the planned 16 months) for total traffic and 17 months for non-branded traffic.

  1. The average growth rate of organic traffic for the entire period was 13.88% monthly.

  1. Based on the strategy for 2019, forecast for non-branded traffic was exceeded by 24%.


Evgeny Demchenko, Founder of Dressa:

In the first year of cooperation, we were quite critical of the costs, the effectiveness of which could not be calculated right away. But the systematic and comprehensive approach of the Netpeak team proved to the contrary. According to the monthly reports, the main indicators increased, and all the costs invested had already been paid off by the second year.

We didn't just get SEO. In fact, we received expert marketing and UX support. Often, the team would point out to us critical errors and bugs that would have gone unnoticed for a long time. By joint efforts, the website elements are regularly being optimized. We grow together and it brings us great results.

Alexander Ryabinin, Middle PM Netpeak:

Success always lies in the client-agency bond, and communication is the main component here.

The client is very savvy in this field, and we learned a lot from him in terms of this business niche. However, the agency's opinion and expertise were always considered, even when heavily criticized.

This format allowed the team to create conditions for double control over the implementation and the compliance of ideas with the project objectives. Let us note the speed — technical and content tasks were always implemented quickly and efficiently. This made it possible to achieve a ROMI of 1077% and see investment payback in six months.

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