Case Study: SEO for Legal Services Company – Increase in Organic Traffic by 50,000% Through a Blog

Service: SEO.
Niche: Business, financial, legal services.

Results: Increase in organic traffic by 50,000% through a blog in 12 months.

The Client

4B Ukraine is an international company that provides legal support for the development of ecommerce businesses, IT companies and manufacturer-exporters abroad. Since August 2019, this company has been a participant of the Amazon SPN program in the «tax» and «accounting» categories. It is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine.

The Challenge

The company requested a blog promotion to turn it into a complete channel for lead attraction. Hence, the goal was to increase the number of blog readers from search engines.

The Solution

We focused on optimizing the content and developing a content plan on a regular basis by creating a new content and re-optimizing previous articles.

We found key and similar phrases using Serpstat. After collecting the key phrases, we clustered them and created a list of themes and theses for our content plan. Then, we prepared the technical task of writing the articles for content departure 4b. Primarily, all themes were connected with a Private label on Amazon and overseas businesses.

Topics were additionally recorded in a table to monitor the articles that had already been written and the ones that were still yet to be written. For the finished content, the following work algorithm was used:

  1. We took articles with low enrollment and high bounce rates on Google Analytics. Meanwhile, we selected popular pages which generate high traffic, but have the potential to do more.
  2. For articles with low attendance, we performed an assessment of the semantics and frequency of search demand. If there was no search demand for a certain topic, the article was not accepted for work.
  3. We identified a pool of articles that should be finalized and analyzed the content.

We searched for missing keywords via Serpstat. By adding them to the article, we could attract more traffic. After analyzing missed queries, we formed a thesis that can be used to fill the article. Based on the phrases for which the article had already been ranked and the missed queries, metadata for the articles was formed. Then, we created a technical task for optimizing posts and handed them over to the company's specialists.

The Results

We increased the organic traffic on blog pages by 49767%. Why did we see such significant growth in relative terms? The promotion was done from scratch. Not only that, the 4B team implemented recommendations promptly and worked on content creation as well.



Daniel Minin, project manager at Netpeak:

Stability is slow stagnation. Our team realized a point of growth not only in blog promotion, but in the development of service pages. We held a meeting, offered work on service pages, and explained what the result could be from their optimization. 4B allocated more resources to the development of this area.

Andrew Matyash, managing partner of 4В:

First, we aimed at developing blog, on quality and attendance rate as well. We created not only a blog, but a complete channel for lead attraction. We looked for a company that can accomplish the task.

We chose Netpeak. Firstly, we really liked their blog, secondly, we had experience of cooperating with them. A year passed and during this time main indicators of our blog and site have increased. At the same time, we still have room for growth and a number of serious tasks.

In the work process with the Netpeak team, first of all, we were impressed by their customer focus and deep expertise in SEO. It is very pleasant when your request is approached with full immersion in the specifics of the business. After all, only then, cooperation can be complete. We like working with these guys, in a word they are cool:)

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