Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte SEO Case Study: +247% of Organic CTR in a Year

Service: SEO.
Niche: Home appliances.

Results: Organic CTR increased by 247% for Bosch and 219% for the Siemens website.

The Client

Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte (BSH) is the largest manufacturer of home appliances in Europe and one of the leading companies in the sector worldwide. The company aims to reduce energy consumption — owing to BSH technology, about 25 million kW of energy is saved per year.

According to the Digital Transformation Manager of BSH Hausgeräte, BSH Home Appliances is the number one brand in Europe for home appliances. They are the number one producer and seller of dishwashers.

The Challenge

The main goal of the promotion was to increase the search visibility indicator, mainly for branded queries that compete in search results with popular Ukrainian e-commerce projects.

When building the strategy, we decided to focus on website content development. In this case, most of the tasks would go to the Ukrainian branch of the company, which meant quicker implementation.


  1. Conduct a full technical website audit.
  2. Complete content optimization.
  3. Implement high-quality link building.

The Process

  1. Technical SEO audits. Task prioritization. Due to a limited number of specialists, there was a risk of missing some errors. To address that, we implemented the tasks that had the greatest effects.

  1. Content optimization. For each category and subcategory page, we did keyword research and compiled a table for meta tags and page text optimization in Russian and Ukrainian, and provided copywriters with technical requirements.

  1. An audit of the link profile of the websites and their competitors. After performing the basic analysis of the link profile, we determined the strategy for link promotion including volume, type of links, and type of anchors.

The Results

  1. After 9 months of cooperation, the site visibility indicator increased by more than 15 times and is still growing.
  2. For Bosch, the CTR increased by 247%.

  1. For the Siemens website, the organic CTR increased by 219%.


Maxim Dmitrov, Digital Transformation Manager BSH Hausgeräte:

An important factor is the team involved in the technology and brand product. You can't promote something without understanding it at all. The first year has shown great teamwork, and it really shows in the numbers. I would like to improve the current result, which in my opinion will be more difficult since we start from a higher point.

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