Eva Success Story: How to Recoup Advertising Campaigns With and Without Google Smart Shopping
Niche: Beauty and health.
Results: We managed to recoup advertising and other campaigns with the help of Google Smart Shopping.
The Client
EVA is an all-Ukrainian chain of beauty and health stores. It has over 9000 employees working in 1000 shops across the entire country. The company is well known for its large-scale social projects such as the EVA Woman Challenge and other charitable projects. Aside from the distribution of goods produced by other manufacturers, EVA has launched 37 trademarks of its own.
The Challenge
We have been cooperating with EVA for two years. In this post, we will share the experience we have obtained while doing so. Also, we will talk about how we managed the advertising campaigns when EVA was adjusting its website to the Google Merchant Center requirements.
Just a bit of history — the website eva.ua was originally launched in addition to EVA’s offline business. It is for this reason that technical CMS limitations prevented the expansion of the website into a full-fledged e-commerce project.
Therefore, when eva.ua was beginning to comply with the Google Merchant Center requirements, Netpeak was tasked with rendering the absence of commodity advertising as seamlessly as possible so as not to incur any loss of profit by using other Google Ads instruments.
The Solution
We launched:
- Smart campaigns within the context and media network. Smart trading companies automatically aspire to reach the highest conversion values possible within budgetary limits. Thanks to targeted profitability of investments, the rates are optimized in such a way that the ad expenses do not exceed the daily budget.
- Dynamic search campaigns targeted at web feed. The special feature of our advertising campaigns was the use of dynamic parameters in ad texts. Into these texts, we inserted the name of the city that our buyers were currently in. We also used a feed to this end.
We were aware of the fact that we had little chance of breaking into the Smart Shopping block through search results. However, it was necessary to have our ads shown within priority categories in the search results right under this block. - Dynamic remarketing. The Merchant Center account was blocked because the website failed to meet the necessary requirements and we couldn’t use it for the purposes of dynamic remarketing. Therefore, we came up with this option. We opted for the same feed that was used while managing the smart campaign within the context and media network.
The Results
Below, you can see the comparison between the main indicators of Smart Shopping launched after the website and the aforementioned campaigns had been revamped over the same period of time.
Budget — profit — shopping — other companies
It is obvious that Smart Shopping works way better. Nevertheless, other options may be available that will help do without some of its features. In such a case, the profit will be certainly much lower.
A directed attempt and extensive knowledge of additional variations will allow for retaining a part of the profit. However, greater profit will be secured should effort be made towards revamping the website and introducing Smart Shopping.
Yuliya Torgovtseva, Senior PPC Specialist at eva.ua:
We have been cooperating with the Netpeak team via PPC-channels for about two years now. We always arrive at a compromise even when it comes to complex issues. The main KPIs that we have tasked them with show positive dynamics of growth.
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