Email Marketing Case Study – Developed Communication Maps and Prepared for a Trigger Email Campaign Launch

Service: Email marketing.

Niche: B2B services.

Results: Developed and implemented communication maps and prepared for a trigger email campaign launch.

The Client

Vchasno is a group of services that speed up and simplify the work of companies by optimizing the signing, exchange, and storage of digital documents. Vchasno includes an electronic document management service, Vchasno.Kasa software EDI for business, and Vchasno.EDI for retail. Vchasno.CAP secures electronic signatures and stamps. There is also a blog on digital business development. 

The client opted for an audit, expertise, and assistance in setting up the process.

The Challenge

Here is what we aimed to do:

  • Develop a map of trigger communications with customers.
  • Automate newsletters.
  • Increase recognition and brand loyalty.

At the beginning of the collaboration, it was difficult to understand what to send, to whom, and when to send it. As we dove deeper into the project, we mapped out the automated emails together with Vchasno.

The Solution

Our actions:

  1. Created master templates for three Vchasno services.
  2. Developed a visual map of user migration.
  3. Prepared and coordinated communication maps, including maps for individual customer segments.
  4. Set up technical tasks for developers to transmit events and trigger emails.
  5. Prepared templates of trigger letters for further use:
  • By subscription (DOI) – confirmation of subscription and after confirmation.
  • Webinar registration letters – invitation to webinar, registration, start reminder, and post-webinar letter with the material.
  1. Created trigger letters and scripts: 
  • For registration on the website
  • Reminder about the end of the free trial
  • Reminder about the scheduled payment for a subscription plan
  • Reminder that the number of available documents is about to end
  • Congratulations on the first order on the network
  • Congratulations on the anniversary of working with Vchasno
  • Reminder about 50% and 100% of used free checks in the tariff

The Results

1. We developed a visual map in which customers transition from one segment to another, depending on the use of the service: 

How does it work?

  • The map displays the client's interaction with the project scenario.
  • It shows the route legs stemming from the point of the site's first visit to the purchase of a paid plan (it is essential not to lose the client at each leg).
  • The map allows for a better understanding of the audience and its segments. Through the map, all the steps in the user scenario can be predicted and used to bring users as close to the purchase as possible.

2. Based on the first map, we developed a map of trigger communications for specific customer segments:

 Only part of the map is in the screenshot.

A communications map is a clear, visualized plan that includes all formats, channels, and chains of communication with the brand audience. It is an essential tool that helps implement an effective CRM strategy.

Through a ready-made communication map, you can:

  • model the customer life cycle and identify the stages of interaction with each segment;
  • describe the logic of communication scenarios (regular and triggered); 
  • develop a mailing plan for each group of subscribers including frequency of interaction, types of mailings, sequence of interactions, and so on;
  • create trigger chains depending on user behavior, certain events that trigger mailings, etc.

3. Ready-made master email templates:

You can use them to quickly create letters, changing only the essential elements – banner, text, images, and links. Each service has own its style with the corporate company colors.

4. With the help of ready-made trigger emails and scripts, triggers can be quickly launched after the developer implements the technical tasks.

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