Domino's Pizza SEO Case Study – How an International Brand Took Its Place in a New Overheated Market

Service: SEO.
Niche: Food and beverages.

Results: The number of unique visitors from organic search increased by 74.51%.

The Client

Domino's is an American multinational pizza restaurant chain. It has stores in over 83 countries and 5,701 cities worldwide.

In this project, the challenge was that most of the food/pizza delivery market was occupied by competitors. They have been promoting their websites by using targeted non-branded keywords, well-designed website structures and optimization for regional search queries.

The Challenge

The main goal was to increase the number of visitors from non-branded queries and therefore achieve a boost in online sales.

The Process

During the period of cooperation, here is what we did:

  1. Visibility and competitor analysis.
  2. Further optimization of landing pages.
  3. Technical optimization.
  4. Comprehensive analytics implementation. We systematically monitored the accuracy of data transfer to analytics, correctly configured data for each region, and monitored changes in traffic, conversions, and transactions.
  5. Usability testing. We tested website responsiveness, buttons, and user-friendly forms. We also performed A/B testing and provided recommendations on the new functionality optimization.
  6. Оff-page optimization:
  • conducted competitor backlink analysis, determined their strategy for link building;
  • built permanent links, added posts with backlinks on high-quality resources;
  • built natural backlinks, added mentions to forums and QA services;
  • analyzed the dynamics of growth and quality of the external backlinks;
  • managed negative reviews and feedback.
  1. Recommendations on unique selling propositions.
  2. Recommendations on product review page optimization. We added reviews to category pages.
  3. Recommendations on how to encourage customers to leave reviews.

The Results

  1. Organic traffic from Kyiv increased by 34.14%.
  2. The number of unique visitors from organic search in Kyiv increased by 39.84%. Organic traffic from Odessa increased by 65.58%.

  1. The number of unique visitors from organic search increased by 74.51%.


violetta-brosnueva netpeak

Violetta Brosnueva, PM Netpeak:

Large companies are normally based on rigid hierarchical relationships and sometimes a decision to edit the description requires the coordination of several people. And it's not possible to say whether it's good or bad. For one company, changing the description may be something trivial. But for Domino's, it's real brand management. The words, the message, the information are important because even a simple, but improper snippet inscription can cause huge reputational damage. The effects of such damage might spread far beyond SEO.

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